
The WEA Lothian Women's Forum exists to:

  • Stimulate and satisfy a demand for women's education, promoting courses and other events
  • Organise learning opportunities for women by women
  • Value and celebrate women's experiences and achievements
  • Develop personal and shared fulfilment
  • Open up learning in new and exciting ways

Founded in 1996 we have always taken a great interest in women's contribution to education. More recently, in 2009 we joined in the Gude Cause march in Edinburgh with enthusiasm, studying the history behind the long drive to women's suffrage, learning suffrage songs and creating suffragist jewellery and commemorative banners. Since then we have explored women's history through courses in graveyard monuments (Dead Interesting Women) and followed up with research into Scottish women writers (Excuse my Dust!).

We were inspired by a trip to Dundee to walk the Dundee Women's Trail ( and by the wonderful research which underpins it.

This calendar is the result of our research into women with an Edinburgh connection who have made a difference in the world of education and is our contribution to the WEA Edinburgh and Lothians Centenary celebrations.

We hope you enjoy it and might perhaps be inspired to remember and research some of the unsung heroines who worked for our education. The reference section at the back may help or visit our website at


Cover Photo:

WEA voluntary member Evelyn Muir is pictured with the WEA Edinburgh and Lothian banner, as groups from across Scotland gathered at the Meadows in Edinburgh on the morning of 10th October 2009 to re-enact the 1909 Women's Suffrage Procession © Liz Beevers