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Linda Brent (1813-1897)

Crisis of Church and Slavery

linda brentLinda Brent was a mixed-race woman, escaped from slavery at age 27, and wrote a book about her life some ten years later. She says that 'slavery is terrible for men' but 'it is more terrible for women'. The sexual abuse, destruction of family and emotional ties, and the lack of respect for women, she says, constitute evidence that slavery is an unchristian institution. Below, the slaveholders policy on black christianisation

I was invited to attend church, because I could read. The reverend gentleman knelt in prayer, then seated himself, and requested all present, who could read, to open their books, while he gave out the portions he wished them to repeat or respond to.

His text was, "Servants, be obedient to them that are your masters according to the flesh, with fear and trembling, in singleness of your heart, as unto Christ.”

Pious Mr. Pike brushed up his hair till it stood upright, and, in deep, solemn tones, began: "Hearken, ye servants! Give strict heed unto my words. You are rebellious sinners. Your hearts are filled with all manner of evil. 'Tis the devil who tempts you. God is angry with you, and will surely punish you, if you don't forsake your wicked ways. You that live in town are eye-servants behind your master's back. Instead of serving your masters faithfully, which is pleasing in the sight of your heavenly Master, you are idle, and shirk your work. God sees you. You tell lies. God hears you. Instead of being engaged in worshiping him, you are hidden away somewhere, feasting on your master's substance; tossing coffee-grounds with some wicked fortune teller, or cutting cards with another old hag. Your masters may not find you out, but God sees you, and will punish you. O, the depravity of your hearts! When your master's work is done, are you quietly together, thinking of the goodness of God to such sinful creatures? No; you are quarrelling, and tying up little bags of roots* to bury under the door-steps to poison each other with. God sees you. You men steal away to every grog shop to sell your master's corn, that you may buy rum to drink. God sees you. You sneak into the back streets, or among the bushes, to pitch coppers. Although your masters may not find you out, God sees you; and he will punish you. You must forsake your sinful ways, and be faithful servants. Obey your old master and your young master-your old mistress and your young mistress. If you disobey your earthly master, you offend your heavenly Master. You must obey God's command­ments. When you go from here, don't stop at the corners of the streets to talk, but go directly home, and let your master and mistress see that you have come.”

The benediction was pronounced. We went home, highly amused at brother Pike's gospel teaching, and were determined to hear him again. I went the next Sabbath evening, and heard pretty much a repetition of the last discourse. Mr. Pike informed us that he should be glad to see us, every Sunday evening, at his own kitchen.

I went home with the feeling that I had heard the Reverend Mr. Pike for the last time. Some of his members repaired to his house, It was so long before the reverend gentleman descended from his comfortable parlour that the slaves left, and went to enjoy a Methodist shout. They never seem so happy as when shouting and singing at religious meetings. Many of them are sincere, and nearer to the gate of heaven than sanctimonious Mr. Pike, and other long-faced Christians, who see wounded Samari­tans, and pass by on the other side.

from Walter Teller: Incidents In The Life Of A Slave Girl

Photo of Linda Brent, real name Harriet Ann Jacobs. Wikipedia